My name is Kat!

I am your biggest supporter & your favorite person to come to for advice.

I help you see your problems & obstacles from a different angle & empower you to find the right solution. I will challenge you to become your best self & the more time you spend with me, the more you will start to believe in yourself & your innate worthiness. You are deserving of only the best and I am determined to help you achieve that.

Get To Know Me & My Story

Hey there, my name is Kat!

I am your biggest supporter & your favorite person to come to for advice.


I help you see your problems & obstacles from a different angle & empower you to find the right solution. I will challenge you to become your best self & the more time you spend with me, the more you will start to believe in yourself & your innate worthiness. You are deserving of only the best and I am determined to help you achieve that.

Get To Know Me & My Story

My Journey


I freakin love my life!

I have built a successful six figure business doing what I love! I get to help people reconnect back to their most authentic selves, I get to help them shed their masks & embrace their uniqueness. I get to teach them that it is safe to feel their feelings & that it feels so damn good to put themselves & their needs first. I design my days in a way that feels expansive & I prioritize time to have fun! Life is pretty freaking sweet!

But it hasn’t always been this way….


You may look at these pictures and see a regular girl. I look at these pictures and I see a shell of a human. I see a fake smile, I see repressed emotions, I see a lack of confidence, I see a people pleaser, I see a workaholic, I see someone who can barely pay her bills…

Let me take you way back though


Let me take you to the year 1990. I was born in Estonia. I was born to a single mother. My dad left her before I was born. This is where a lot of my limiting beliefs started from - “I am not worthy of being loved” being one of the main ones that continued to play out throughout my life… 


A few years later my mom decided to take a job on a cruise ship that sailed around the world. Once again I felt abandoned and rejected…

Fast forward several years later

 My mom and I moved to Germany to live with her new husband. This was an exciting new chapter. I learned the language really quickly and made friends really easily. I loved my life in Germany. I loved my friends. Life was great! 


At 11 years old my life was about to be torn apart once again though. My mom & step dad decided to move back to Estonia… It felt like my whole life was once again being pulled away from me. 

 I really hated being back in Estonia, I got bullied in school because I spoke Estonian with an accent… It took me a long time to fit in again… I felt like I had to become someone I was not in order to be accepted. This is where I learned to put on a mask to please others. Through that I was able to make my way into the “cool gang”. I finally felt like I belonged again.

I started smoking & experimenting with alcohol at 14 years of age. I started making out with boys at the same age. All of the above gave me a sense of power, as well as a false sense of being loved & wanted.


I started self harming myself. I had a deep hole inside of me, a feeling of being unloved & unwanted, I started to fill that hole by trying to look for love in all the wrong places, aka hooking up with boys. Unfortunately it didn’t work, instead the hole got bigger & bigger. This continued well into my adulthood.


I had always been intrigued by human behavior (probably in the hopes to understand myself better) and I wanted to study psychology in university. The response from my parents was “You can’t make money with that, psychologists are con artists anyway, you can just talk to your friends”, so instead I ended up finding myself in law school.


I had a boyfriend for a few years. He was great, unfortunately I had never been myself and had once again created a persona that I thought I needed to be in order to be loved by him, losing myself along the way. When we broke up, the partying took a whole new level, I started to experiment with drugs. Looking back at that time I am sometimes surprised I have ended up where I am today. It could have gone very wrong. No one really knew how bad it was - remember I was great at putting on a mask and showing people what they wanted to see.

Fast forward many years and a few different countries. I found myself in Austria, I started dating my now husband and we were getting ready to leave for New Zealand. I had started to “get my shit” together. I was partying a little less, I was physically active, I was doing “healthy things”. 


Moving to New Zealand was one of the best decisions of my life. We bought a van and converted it so that we could live in it. Life was magical - we were traveling around one of the most beautiful countries in the world! 


And suddenly the darkness took over me. Even though life was magical I was SO SAD. I had suicidal thoughts. I did not understand what was wrong with me… I had never felt like this before, or had I? 

And then I discovered yoga!


The more I started to show up on my mat, the more the dark cloud started to lift. I confided in my yoga teacher about how I was feeling, she was the first one to bring my awareness to the fact that maybe I had been depressed. 


Yoga changed my life. I knew I had to become a Yoga teacher to be able to facilitate this kind of transformation in others. Yoga was my gateway drug into holistic healing.

After completing my Teacher Training we moved to Canada. I started teaching yoga straight off the bat, 8 classes a week - I loved it! Unfortunately it did not pay very well… This is where an opportunity that changed my life dropped into my lap. 


I found a MLM company called Juice Plus (if you hate MLM’s stay with me here, it’s an important part of what has got me to where I am today). I signed up for it in the hopes to become my own boss & live life on my terms. 


Juice Plus introduced me to the world of self development, I attended events with speakers like Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Brendon Burchard etc. My eyes & mind were opened to what’s possible.


I loved building my business and I was good at it, I would learn from my mentors & apply the knowledge. I have always been an action taker. I learned about sales, communication, social media & more. I attest a lot of my growth & success to those years with Juice Plus.


In 2020 I hired my first coach in the hopes to take my Juice Plus business to the next level and it sure did! I went from making around 1000$ a month to 5000$ & above per month in only a few short months. I was leading a team of over 200 distributors & was loving it!

My coach helped me work through my childhood trauma, she helped me reprogram my limiting beliefs & patterns, she helped me finally step into my true self & my magnificence. She helped me see my true worth & she taught me a lot about building my business in a way that felt amazing to me. She was the first person to give me permission to do things my way, a principle I now teach all of my clients!

After working with her one on one for just over a year I decided to join one of her Masterminds. It was in this Mastermind that my eyes were opened. There were a lot of very successful women in this group, and they were all building their own independent businesses. I hadn’t been happy with my Juice Plus business for a while, but hadn’t admitted it to myself just yet.

I took the leap. I decided to take a step back from actively building a business with Juice Plus (I am still a distributor, if you need some epic supplements holla at your girl here). This was scary. Juice Plus had been all I had known, it was what I identified myself with. 


The first step was to launch an online course called “Become Besties With Your Cycle” - teaching women about their cyclical nature & how to go from hating their cycle to becoming best friends with it (a bold claim, I know & I still believe in this). I had over 10 women go through this course & the feedback was amazing! I also completed my Human Design Reader training & started offering readings. I was loving building an independent business. I wasn’t making a lot of money though and I had this deep feeling that there was more in store for me!


This was the moment I decided to take my NLP Practitioner Training. I was hoping that this training was going to teach me the skills necessary to combine all my modalities & make a bigger impact in the lives of my clients. I never once imagined that I would become a Hypnotherapist & Mindset Coach - I did not think I was good enough to be either of these… Oh boy was I wrong…


Taking my NLP Practitioner Training in April 2023 changed my life, I had a personal transformation during the training. I got taken through the same techniques that I now use with my clients and I finally felt like I was good enough to be a coach & to help people. I also finally felt worthy to charge for my skills (something I had been lacking previously). This training changed my life, the same way that my coaching now changes the lives of my clients.

Neuro Linguistic Programming


NLP stands for neuro linguistic programming, neuro being the brain, linguistic being the language we use, programming referring to the programs that are running our life. In essence NLP helps you reprogram your unconscious beliefs & patterns for success. It’s extremely powerful work & it gets clients changes in a record time! In only 8 sessions I can help transform someone's life - I love it!

If you’ve gotten this far, thank you


This has only been part of my story, there have been so many more lessons. I am grateful for my past, it has led me to exactly where I need to be.


If I can overcome all this hardship, reprogram my limiting beliefs & fully own who I am, then so can you. It would be my honor to be your guide in this journey. You’ve got this.


Work With Me

My Values

  1. Love
  2. Growth
  3. Wealth
  4. Community
  5. Fun

Fun Facts

  1. I speak 4 languages
  2. I have lived on 3 continents & 6 countries
  3. I have a BA degree in law
  4. I am a massive introvert & treasure my alone time
  5. I love playing Catan & am super competitive

My Values

  1. Love
  2. Growth
  3. Wealth 
  4. Community
  5. Fun

Fun Facts

  1. I speak 4 languages
  2. I have lived on 3 continents & 6 countries
  3. I have a BA degree in law
  4. I am a massive introvert & treasure my alone time
  5. I love playing Catan & am super competitive

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